Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Letters-to-the-Editor -- Assistant Attorney General for Government Accountability

Mona Leeson Vanek,

I received your email dated March 8, 2013 which reads:

I regularly publish Palouse Town Council Meeting Minutes, and minutes of Public Hearings held by regional city and town councils, here: The North Palouse Washington e-Newscast, www.palousenewscast.com.

Because of Mayor Harnois' statement at a recent Rockford Town Council meeting, I'd appreciate it if you can clarify (or direct me to) Washington State laws covering this issue where Town or City Council public meetings are concerned. Is it necessary to inform the public that their name will be public record when they attend, and therefore open to the public and could be published in any venue?
Excerpt, February 20, 2013 Rockford Town Council Meeting minutes (published here,

Thomas Smith made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 6, 2013 meeting. Clint Stevenson seconded the motion, motion carried.

Phil Evans asked why the minutes are not on the Town’s web site and why did people not want their names on the web site. The minutes are all public record.

Micki Harnois answered that people don’t want their names published in the public record. The Town will have to ask their permission to put their names in the minutes if they are made public on a web site.
----------------------------------------------- end excerpt

A number of town and city councils on the Palouse publish public meetings and Public Hearings minutes regularly on their official town websites. Not all clerks record the names of people in attendance in their minutes, however they may or may not have a 'sign-in' sheet in town files.

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your reply.

Mona Leeson Vanek
Editor, The North Palouse Washington e-Newscast, www.palousenewscast.com.

Meeting minutes are a public record and I don’t understand why the Mayor would conclude that people don’t want their names published in the minutes.  I don’t agree that a person who publicly testifies at a council meetings using their name would then object to their name appearing in the minutes.  The council doesn’t need to ask their permission.  Posting meeting minutes on the town’s website serves the public and also reduces the workload of city staff in responding to public records requests.

I hope this helps.


Tim Ford

Open Government Ombudsman

Assistant Attorney General for Government Accountability

Attorney General of Washington

1125 Washington St, SE

Olympia, WA  98504

(360) 586-4802



DISCLAIMER:  This email is subject to public disclosure pursuant to Ch 42.56 RCW.  This email is not intended or offered to provide legal advice or legal representation by the Office of the Attorney General to any recipient.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Letters-to-the-Editor, Darlene LaShaw, Clerk, Rockford, Wash.


This note is to let you know that towards the end of March I will be leaving my job with the Town.   I started working here in March of 1995 so I thought I would leave in March, a few years later.  I have had a number of good years working here but I feel it is time for me to go.  I hope to spend more time at home with my family and get to work on some of the many things I’ve wanted to do for years.

There seemed to be always something new happening while working for the Town.  There was never a dull day.   The things I have learned and observed over the years!  I’ve always thought how funny that it was never their dog.  I’ve been told by many how many times they flush their toilets per day.  I have found out there are more ways to argue a point when there really wasn’t anything to argue about in the first place. I’ve come to the conclusion that some people should never plan to play poker.  Change is hard for many.

More importantly, I have found that there are many truly wonderful people in our town and the surrounding area.  I have seen many open their hearts, cupboards, clean out their basements and etc to help those in need.  Over the years there have been several fund raisers for the injured and ones that were ill.  Food, clothing, appliances, fuel and other living expenses were supplied by ones who could and for those who couldn’t found other ways to help.   I hope that this is one thing that does not change.

During this time I have worked with five Mayors, numerous Council members, two clerks, seven Public Works operators, several part time help and volunteers.  I thank all who have dedicated their time away from their homes and families to be involved in some way with the Town.

I have so many good memories!  I enjoyed the past Friday trivia questions, trying to chase away the long winter blues.  The practical jokes, (making that big wind up key for Clint’s old beat up Subaru took some time and thought).  Suzi’s jokes, Friday cookies at the banks, Debbie’s brownies; and then there were the few who supplied the ….maple bars!!

I have gained a whole lot of friends along the way and lost a few as well.  Many of the frequent visits with some of the citizens have been so endearing.  Thank you all who have given me the various pigs that have grown into quite a herd.  I’ve enjoyed supplying coins to the kids who like to feed the piggy bank that oinks.  Their smiles have been well worth it. Chasing a few kids with the pig clamper has been fun too.

I want to give a big THANK YOU to John and Brenda for all of their help and support.  They never lacked on sense of humor either.

I appreciate John putting work challenges in perspective with his analogies. Some were rather interesting yet they made the picture clearer.  I felt that he bridged gaps and helped shed a different light and atmosphere in places where it was needed.  He did that without even knowing.

And then there’s Brenda!  There are so many memories!  Too many to mention!   The laughs!  The smiles!  Her smile could light up a room.  I think back over the years and remember the fun we’ve had.  The practical jokes we played on people. Some were priceless!  We baby sat kids, dogs, and cats.  For some reason I will never forget chasing the two goats in the street, out in front of the office and then leading them into the dog pen.  We were helping the Sheriff Deputy that I’m not sure if he had ever seen a goat before.

Her pumpkin bars and cookies were the best!  I’ve always enjoyed the show & tell times when we brought something in to show that we worked so hard on.

The yard sale finds, the little gifts, pictures of families - have all been treasured.

Thinking back at the mountains and hills we have climbed; the waves we rode together.  Through it all I believe we became stronger in many ways.

Why were we picked to have health issues?  We will never know the answer, yet we were and we might as well keep making the best of it!  As I had read recently – Life isn’t how you weather the storm.  It’s how you learn to dance in the rain.    There is a lot of truth to that.

It’s not like I’m going far away.  You’ll see me now and then; whether you like it or not!!  When you don’t see me, I’ll be at home – learning a few more dance steps!!

Enjoy life!!


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Editor's note ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Celebrate Darlene LaShaw's retirement as Clerk of the Town of Rockford. Town Hall, March 22, 2013, 2:00-4:00 p.m. Darlene served the town for eighteen years. Her knowledge about town business will be missed as much as her cheerfulness, and willingness to be helpful to everone she encounters. The office will also change immeasureably without her marvelous collection of "Piggies" that has delighted visitors, customers and children alike.