Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Letters-to-the-Editor: Wed 11/30/2011 1:21 PM

11-30-2011 (date of receipt of your letter)
From: Nicholas Backman
            P.O. Box 355
             Malden WA

To:  Doreen Karoly
           P.O. Box 90409
           Seattle WA

 RE: Docket # 1371535-99149 Proposal to close Malden WA Post Office Item #25 Page #3

 I am writing regarding the response I received referenced above dated 11/18/2011. The prepared answer I received did not address the core of my complaint so I shall reiterate my concerns so that I can receive a reply that addresses the issue.
But first, the word of the day: REGULAR

 As defined in the dictionary has a few meanings:
(1)    customary, usual or normal
(2)    Happening at fixed intervals: periodic

I believe that congress was referring to the broader interpretation of the word, meaning unchanging from the norm, maintaining a customary and usual way of conducting business (more on this in another letter)

Under your plans to utilize HRC’s and CFU’s……I mean CBU’s (Cluster F@#$ Units is my nickname for them) patrons attempting to conduct business with the carrier, who is only available for 15 minutes, are forced to wait around for the driver to arrive. There is at least one case I know of where the morning mail truck which is scheduled to arrive at 0630 did not arrive until 1100 due to severe weather conditions. Malden receives much higher than the U.S. average in snow fall each year. Our Postmaster has been known to sleep in the Post Office during severe weather events to ensure it would be open.

Now let’s say that the truck is scheduled for Noon. Groups of patrons, many seniors and disabled (half our population is 50 years+) will gather around, possibly in blizzard conditions to await the truck.

The weather can and will create a substantial delays of unknown duration for the truck. Those with cars would likely be running their engines and heaters. This will have an adverse effect on the air quality and should be considered under NEPA regulations. Others will be huddled awaiting the truck.  Either way they are inconvenienced as they have to stop their lives to wait who knows how long for the truck.

This is definitely not providing a maximum degree of regular and effective postal service.

This will cause undo hardships on seniors and handicapped. If they are not there, their care giver could be there or on the road to Rosalia causing additional hardships on seniors and disabled waiting for their caregivers to return, particularly if the road back is blown shut while they are gone.

As for the historic and cultural nature of the building, I ask you to re-read my comments along with the observations of Edwin P. Garretson, Jr., PhD, Archivist for the Whitman County Historical Society made in his letter mailed to the address for your old offices.  As he observed, this office operates much as a turn of the century Post Office would, and provides seniors and disabled a much needed contact with each other and the outside world.

That leads me to a new concern. The PO handbook 101 calls for a centralized address, preferably a P.O. Box, for comments to be addressed to. You are in the middle of moving your office during the discontinuance process. A few days ago I was made aware your new P.O. Box. Some of my letters may be delayed as they play catch up with you. So therefore it is my contention that this matter has not received a maximum degree of regular and effective service from the discontinuance office.

Thank you for your attention on this important matter, and please do not take anything I write personally.

Thanks Again

Nick Backman

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